boggle is a valid English word

Scrabble validity: valid ( international - Sowpods, US - Twl06 )
iScramble validity: valid
QuickWords validity: valid




Verb Present simple 3sg Present participle Past simple Past participle
boggle boggles boggling boggled boggled
    (transitive or intransitive) Either literally or figuratively to stop or hesitate as if suddenly seeing a bogle. (intransitive) To be bewildered, dumbfounded, or confused. (transitive) To confuse or mystify; overwhelm.


Singular Plural
boggle boggles
    (dated) A scruple or objection. (dated) A bungle; a botched situation. Alternative form of bogle.

boggle is a Scrabble valid word

boggle is an iScramble valid word

boggle is an QuickWords valid word


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