gee is a valid English word

Scrabble validity: valid ( international - Sowpods, US - Twl06 )
iScramble validity: valid
QuickWords validity: valid




    (somewhat dated) A general exclamation of surprise or frustration. A command to a horse, pack animal, etc., which may variously mean “move forward”, “go faster”, or “turn to the right”.


Verb Present simple 3sg Present participle Past simple Past participle
gee gees geeing geed geed
    (intransitive) Of a horse, pack animal, etc.: to move forward; go faster; or turn in a direction away from the driver, typically to the right. (transitive) To cause an animal to move in this way. (UK dialect obsolete) To agree; to harmonize.


Singular Plural
gee gees
    A gee-gee, a horse. The name of the Latin-script letter G. (slang) Abbreviation of: grand; a thousand dollars.

gee is a Scrabble valid word

gee is an iScramble valid word

gee is an QuickWords valid word


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