coast is a valid English word

Scrabble validity: valid ( international - Sowpods, US - Twl06 )
iScramble validity: valid
QuickWords validity: valid



Singular Plural
coast coasts
    The edge of the land where it meets an ocean, sea, gulf, bay, or large lake. (from 14th c.)
    • The rocky coast of Maine has few beaches.
    (obsolete) The side or edge of something. (15th 18th c.)
    (obsolete) A region of land; a district or country. (14th 17th c.)


Verb Present simple 3sg Present participle Past simple Past participle
coast coasts coasting coasted coasted
    (intransitive) To glide along without adding energy; to allow a vehicle to continue moving forward after disengaging the engine or ceasing to apply motive power.
    • When I ran out of gas, fortunately I managed to coast into a nearby gas station.
    (intransitive nautical) To sail along a coast.
    (intransitive) To make a minimal effort; to continue to do something in a routine way, without initiative or effort.


coast is a Scrabble valid word


coast is an iScramble, QuickWords valid word



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