intrusive is a valid English word

Scrabble validity: valid ( international - Sowpods, US - Twl06 )
iScramble validity: valid
QuickWords validity: valid


Adjective (COMPARABLE)

Comparative Superlative
more intrusive most intrusive
    Tending to intrude; doing that which is not welcome; interrupting or disturbing; entering without permission or welcome.
    • Did it ever cross your mind that he might find all those questions you ask intrusive?
    (geology) Of rocks: forced, while in a plastic or molten state, into the cavities or between the cracks or layers of other rocks.
    (linguistics) epenthetic


Singular Plural
intrusive intrusives
    (geology) An igneous rock that is forced, while molten, into cracks or between other layers of rock


intrusive is a Scrabble valid word


intrusive is an iScramble, QuickWords valid word



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