nick is a valid English word

Scrabble validity: valid ( international - Sowpods, US - Twl06 )
iScramble validity: valid
QuickWords validity: valid



Singular Plural
nick nicks
    A small cut in a surface.
    Senses connoting something small.
    (Britain Ireland Australia New Zealand colloquial) Often in the expressions in bad nick and in good nick: condition, state.
    • The car I bought was cheap and in good nick.


Verb Present simple 3sg Present participle Past simple Past participle
nick nicks nicking nicked nicked
    (transitive) To make a nick or notch in; to cut or scratch in a minor way.
    • I nicked myself while I was shaving.
    (transitive obsolete) To fit into or suit, as by a correspondence of nicks; to tally with.
    (transitive mining) To make a cut at the side of the face.


nick is a Scrabble valid word


nick is an iScramble, QuickWords valid word



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