one is a valid English word

Scrabble validity: valid ( international - Sowpods, US - Twl06 )
iScramble validity: valid
QuickWords validity: valid



    English cardinal numbers The number represented by the Arabic numeral 1; the numerical value equal to that cardinal number.
    • In some religions, there is only one god.
    (number theory) The first positive number in the set of natural numbers.
    (set theory) The cardinality of the smallest nonempty set.


    (impersonal pronoun indefinite) One thing (among a group of others); one member of a group.
    • Any one of the boys.  The big one looks good.  I want the green one.  Every one of the bank’s employees.  A good driver is one who drives carefully.
    (impersonal pronoun sometimes with "the") The first mentioned of two things or people, as opposed to the other.
    • She offered him an apple and an orange; he took one and left the other.
    (indefinite personal pronoun) Any person (applying to people in general).
    • Synonym: generic you


Singular Plural
one ones
    The digit or figure 1.
    (by ellipsis) Used to briefly refer to a noun phrase understood by context
    (followed by for) A person (having some specified characteristic or attribute).


Not comparable
    Of a period of time, being particular.
    • One day the prince set forth to kill the dragon that had brought terror to his father’s kingdom for centuries.
    Being a single, unspecified thing; a; any.
    • My aunt used to say, "One day is just like the other."
    Sole, only.
    • He is the one man who can help you.


    Used for emphasis in place of a


Verb Present simple 3sg Present participle Past simple Past participle
one ones oning oned oned
    To cause to become one; to gather into a single whole; to unite.


    Used at the end of a sentence to highlight the characteristics of someone or something.
    • Got almonds one. There are almonds in it.
    Used in place of the direct object at the end of a sentence to highlight the grammatical agent.
    • My friend send one. It was sent by my friend.
    A nominalizer; used to form a noun phrase without a head noun.
    • The sell fruits one went home already. The fruit seller went home.


one is a Scrabble valid word


one is an iScramble, QuickWords valid word



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