tonguey is a valid English word

Scrabble validity: invalid ( international - Sowpods, US - Twl06 )
iScramble validity: invalid
QuickWords validity: invalid


Adjective (COMPARABLE)

Comparative Superlative
tonguier or more tonguey most tonguey
    (of a person) Tending to talk a lot; fluent or voluble in speech (generally with an unfavourable connotation).
    • Synonym: garrulous, loquacious, talkative
    (of speech) Using many words; containing grandiloquent expressions; marked by rhetorical elegance (generally with an unfavourable connotation).
    • Synonym: bombastic, flowery, verbose
    (of a quality) Manifested by fluent or voluble speech.


Singular Plural
tonguey tongueys
    (Australia UK) An act or an instance of kissing that involves the use of one's tongue.
    • Synonym: French kiss


tonguey is not a Scrabble valid word


tonguey is not an iScramble, QuickWords valid word



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