left is a valid English word

Scrabble validity: valid ( international - Sowpods, US - Twl06 )
iScramble validity: valid
QuickWords validity: valid


Adjective (COMPARABLE)

Comparative Superlative
more left or lefter most left
    Designating the side of the body toward the west when one is facing north; the side of the body on which the heart is located in most humans; the opposite of right. This arrow points to the reader's left: ←
    • Synonym: sinister, sinistral
    (geography) Designating the bank of a river (etc.) on one's left when facing downstream (i.e. facing forward while floating with the current); that is, the north bank of a river that flows eastward. If this arrow: ⥲ shows the direction of the current, the tilde is on the left side of the river.
    (politics) Left-wing; pertaining to the political left.
    • Antonym: right


Not comparable
    On the left side.
    • Antonym: right
    Towards the left side.
    • Antonym: right
    Towards the political left.
    • Antonym: right


Singular Plural
left lefts
    The left side or direction.
    • Synonym: 9 o'clock, port
    (politics) The left-wing political parties as a group; citizens holding left-wing views as a group.
    • The Left left workers behind, thinking they had a winning demographic coalition. It hasn't really worked out for them yet.
    The left hand or fist.


    simple past and past participle of leave.
    • There's not much food left.
    simple past and past participle of leave.
    • We were not left go to the beach after school except on a weekend.


left is a Scrabble valid word


left is an iScramble, QuickWords valid word



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